Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Just a hint of a breeze

It does sound as though we might get Issue #13 of the Maybe Quarterly pumped up one more time!

A glimpse at Bobby's student notes, from Douglas Rushkoff's Technologies of Persuasion course which Bobby may well (knowing him) work up into a finished piece for MQ, might give you a glimpse of the kind of thing to expect from studying around here, with all us school-haters (oh, perhaps I shouldn't generalize from my own experience of indoctrination by The State).

Me, personally, I just finished writing a 50,000 word novel called Foolproof, on the NaNoWriMo challenge, so I apologise for slightly neglecting this blog. I have no idea how pleased I may feel with it, as I didn't re-read, just kept going, like running a marathon.
Bobby's Fool
I hope to offer a shorter piece (I know you're all busy people) for MQ, and even talk the magnificent Bobby into giving you a few pictures to look at, while you read.

More soon. Gotta go celebrate my marathon...

Ilustration is Bobby's Fool, from the so far incomplete RAW Tarot project...

If you want to see what cards we have so far you could:
  • go to the Imperfect Index of our stuff (yeah, it has black holes where information should 'be') and scroll down to RAW Tarot.
  • Search the whole blog for "Tarot" with the Search at top left of screen
  • Use the Tarot Label at the bottom of the post, to look for related posts

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